Data Availability Layer

The amount of data that can be stored in an inscription on the Bitcoin network is limited in size. However, using the Unigraph Protocol, it’s possible to store and reference additional data.

By using data descriptions, the Unigraph node network can not only pay attention to and map event data on the Bitcoin network itself in relation to Bitcoin tokens, but also map and reference additional data stored elsewhere, for instance on IPFS.

In this sense, Unigraph Protocol acts as a data availability layer, where protocol developers can reliably store and call data off-chain, with a hash of that data being tied back in an inscription on the Bitcoin network.

This would allow for instance, more complicated artwork (such as those often tied to ERC721 tokens) to be tied to inscriptions on the Bitcoin network. Along with more complicated things such as stats for in-game items and characters, allowing for the development of GameFi assets on the Bitcoin network.

Once you have written a data description, you use the Unigraph Protocol to store the data description in IPFS and tell the indexer to start indexing data for that dataset.

Last updated